About the course

Organisations cannot survive, let alone prosper, unless two things happen. First, everyone must make the maximum contribution of which they are capable, whatever their position and status. Second, managers in particular must take every possible opportunity to increase the knowledge, skills and experience of their staff so that the organisation as a whole continually gets smarter.

Coaching is the single most important method which managers can use to increase the ability and productivity of their staff. Unfortunately many managers don’t do nearly enough of it. Some avoid coaching because they are nervous of its consequences. Others simply don’t know how to go about it. This training programme can solve both these problems.

Course Outcomes
Participants will:
  • Recognise the value of coaching as part of the managing
  • Develop an understanding of the key principles of coaching
  • Recognise how coaching differs from other developmental activities
  • Apply a structured approach to coaching
  • Use coaching in the workplace as a means of improving performance and developing people
Who Should Attend

The course is suitable for managers who are, or will be, coaching others and are looking to build their confidence and effectiveness in this essential skill.

Course Outline
Understanding Coaching
  • Exploring coaching definitions
  • Clarifying the purpose of coaching
  • How coaching differs from training, mentoring and other activities
  • The benefits of effective coaching
  • The crucial difference between a ‘directing’ and ‘enabling’ style when coaching
  • The beliefs, values and behaviours of a ‘coaching’ vs ‘directive’ manager
  • Overcoming misconceptions that prevent managers from coaching
Coaching Cube Challenge
  • A hands on, fun exercise to help develop skills in a safe environment and draw out the key principles that are central to effective coaching. The exercise provides a coaching situation in which participants practise coaching skills like listening, questioning and choosing words carefully. It helps to identify the role of a good coach and the importance of creating a self-discovery scenario.
Coaching Opportunities
  • Recognising and prioritising coaching opportunities
  • What constitutes a good coaching opportunity?
Coaching: The Key Principles
  • Three important factors: structure, process and content
  • Applying a structured approach to coaching
  • Key coaching components
Coaching using the GROW Model
  • Identifying coaching questions for each of the four stages
  • Skills practice and feedback using the GROW model
Getting Started
  • Participants have the opportunity to examine in more details a potential coaching opportunity, begin the transfer of learning to the workplace and practice their coaching skills.
Video Content
  • The Video Arts production ‘Pass it on’ is used to reinforce learning. This comprehensive programme shows how, with the right teaching, the manager is able to improve people’s performance and motivation, and that coaching is an invaluable tool for helping individuals and the business develop together.
Personal Development
  • Coaching skills questionnaire and results analysis
  • Action planning the transfer of learning to the workplace
What Delegates Say

“I now understand what coaching truly is, that I haven’t done it before and how to do it properly. The trainer was friendly, humorous and knowledgeable.| Sarah Synott, Head of Business Development, Turley

“I have gained an appreciation of how to enable others to progress through coaching.” Lorna Henderson, Associate Director, Turley

“The course covered all aspects of coaching extensively–what it is, best practice and how to avoid common mistakes. The trainer had a great personality and brought enthusiasm, energy and enjoyment.” Stuart Randle, Associate Director, Turley

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